Hearing Care Resources

We have compiled the following information to help you and your loved ones understand the importance of hearing in all of our lives and provide you with some answers to your hearing related questions. Please review the information in these links and feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Facts about Hearing Loss

Hearing is our most critical sense when it comes to our ability to communicate, and even small degrees of hearing loss can have profound effects on how we interact and connect with others. Being separated from that ability not only has consequences for our social lives — it can have physical effects, as well, that can detract significantly from overall health.

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Communication Tips

Better communication strategies can smooth the period of adjustment required when individuals start wearing hearing aids, and can help reassure both the person with hearing loss and their family members or loved ones that they’re being understood clearly.

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Hearing Loss in Children

Hearing loss in children not only impacts the sound experience of a life yet to be lived to the fullest, but it also creates a barrier to a child’s number-one job: learning. Fortunately, many causes of hearing loss are treatable, and it is often possible to return the sounds of childhood to a young life.

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